A Second Mountain Company
A unique and exciting part of our work with Springleaf was how much we enjoyed working with this group of seasoned and experienced individuals right from the start. Springleaf is composed of a group of agricultural experts and experienced entrepreneurs, all with impressive backgrounds and success stories. But what really separates this group from the rest is that they all had come together because of a common wish: to build and create a clean long lasting business; a morally centered model focused on leadership and innovation. Their vision of vertical integration is not just smart business; it’s the operational certainty that lies at long lasting social impact - beyond profits, and beyond capital. And best of all they wanted to bring this high impact model to Colombia, a place close to their hearts where they knew they could make a difference.
So in terms of design, we needed this company although technically “new” to reflect the experience, knowledge, wisdom and ethics of what we call a second mountain company, or a company with a true purpose behind its brand: to leave things better than how they found them. A little side note, “Second Mountain” is a term borrowed from David Brooks, from the title of his book “The Second Mountain”.

The Transformative Power of Hemp
The brand needed to create strong differentiators, and this needed to be reflected in the visual identity as part of the Brand’s DNA and strategy. The discussion around cannabis is a heated one, filled with misinformation and false promises. We needed a variety of audiences to know that Springleaf was not just another CBD green rush brand. It was a brand led by ethics, sincerity and trust, but more importantly it saw a different future for the industry that had nothing to do with marihuana or CBD and that was centered around the growth and production of hemp. It was also a brand with agricultural origins, led by a Chief Agricultural Officer with more than 40 years of experience in genetics and biotechnology. All this was translated into a steady, timeless design that would allow Springleaf to clearly communicate through typography and data visualization its ideas and projections for the future.